Susannah received her PhD degree from Tulane University in November 2024, working in the group of Dr. Emily Farrer. In Lab Leveau, Susannah will be investigating the microbial communities that associate with the rhizosphere of diseased and healthy carrots (Daucus carota). This project is a collaboration with researchers at USDA Salinas.
Category: POSTS
Davis McWilliams hired as a Staff Research Associate at UCSF
He will start in July at the Biospecimen Bank which isĀ based out of the Radiation Oncology Department at the University of California, San Francisco. Congrats Davis!
Conrad awarded the Khaira Family Experiential Learning Award for Summer research
With this award, Conrad joins the 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) cohort at the College of Biological Sciences. Congratulations Conrad! Looking forward to all your exciting discoveries in the lab over summer.
Tyler submitted his doctoral thesis!
Congratulations to Tyler for completing his dissertation and for soon starting a postdoc position with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in their Complex Microbial Systems Group. Tyler’s exit seminar is scheduled for Friday, April 19 at 1 PM via Zoom:
Aly passed her Qualifying Exam!
That was on November 8, 2023. Congratulations Aly!
Mira passed her Qualifying Exam!
That was on October 5, 2023. Congratulations Mira!
Former student Peter Henry wins Schroth Faces of the Future award at the 2023 APS meeting
Congratulations Peter, well deserved!
Lab alumn and Davis High School student Darren Wong accepted into UC San Diego
Congratulations Darren, good luck, and go Tritons.
Welcome baby Violet!
Congratulations to lab alumn Isaac Greenhut and his family on the birth of baby Violet! Lab Leveau wishes Violet and her proud parents and sister every bit of happiness together.
Best presentation award for Neptali!
Neptali Flores, who spent his summer in Lab Leveau on a National Summer Undergraduate Research Project, won an award for Best Presentation by NSURP. Congratulations Neptali! The winning presentation, a narrated powerpoint slide show entitled ‘A Study of IAA-Catabolizing Bacteria’, will be posted on the NSURP website (