Congratulations Ellie! Full story can be found here.
Author: Johan Leveau
Emily Rustad awarded PhD degree
Congrats! Starting April 2018, Emily will be working in the group of Dr. Frank Martin at the USDA-ARS in Salinas, CA.
Hung receives the 2017-2018 Chancellor’s Achievement Award for Diversity and Community
Congratulations Hung! Say hi to the Chancellor for us!
Lab Leveau welcomes Ellie Yin as new postdoc
Ellie comes to us from the Marco lab in Food Science & Technology ( She will work as a postdoc on the analysis of microbial communities associated with healthy and HLB-impacted citrus trees.
Lab Leveau alumnus Nilesh Maharaj lands a job at California Seed & Plant Labs (CSP Labs)
Congrats Nilesh and good luck! For more information about CSP Labs, visit
Lab Leveau alumnus Isaac Greenhut now postdoc at University of Kentucky
Congratulations to Isaac for starting a postdoc in the laboratory of Dr. Luke Moe in the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences at the University of Kentucky! Isaac will be working on the microbial ecology of the tobacco phyllosphere.
Congratulations to Nilesh and Isaac for submitting their thesis and graduating!
Well done, Dr. Maharaj and Dr. Greenhut!